We have been working on this for a while now, and its super exciting...Over the past year or so, we have been working hard to bring you industry leading Driver Behavior Functionality, and we are ready to start rolling it out.

What we have done is seriously world leading, we have not seen anything like this before.

We are now continually calculating the G-Force experienced by your vehicles, and displaying the maximums per journey on the Activity Report.

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We will display cornering, acceleration and braking G-Force. 

In a couple of weeks, we will also add a new report, that will show all of the times vehicles exceeded pre-set thresholds. This will also include speed over posted speed limits. The thresholds we will start with are:


  • Harsh Braking < -0.6G
  • Harsh Acceleration > 0.4G
  • Harsh Cornering > 0.45G
  • Over Speed > 7kmh over posted speed limit


  • Harsh Braking < -0.5G
  • Harsh Acceleration > 0.35G
  • Harsh Cornering > 0.40G
  • Over Speed > 5kmh over posted speed limit

This is just a starting point for displaying the data in the initial report, remember we collect the G-Force continually so we can tweak how its displayed as we go. Whats even more exciting, you will be able to view the Acceleration and Braking G-force data historically (if you have had TruePath Tracking enabled), typically from when the device was installed in your vehicles.

We will continually build on this, and add features to help you manage your fleet. This is just a glimpse...

This data is not available for all types of hardware,

The Rollout Process

This is a big deal for us, and we want to ensure we get it right so we will roll out features over the next few months but we will keep developing functionality around this data continually.

The first rollout will happen within two weeks. This will show Acceleration and Braking Gs for all supported devices on the Activity Report, and in the new Driver Report that's coming. Following that, a firmware update is required (the 'software' in the tracking device) to enable , but we will look after that.

What Devices Will Work?

This data is not available for all types of hardware, its something we have been working on with our in-house hardware.

In general, is any devices with a Serial Number less than 29999. More Specifically:

  • BlueV1
  • ArmadaV1
  • SA87 (all versions)
  • SA38 (all versions)
  • SA43 (all versions)
  • TB2 (future release, coming soon)

Contact us to find out if your hardware will work.

This information will change as we add to this feature, please check back.

We also value your feedback, contact us at anytime to tell us how we are doing or fill out the form below,